
During our lives we pass through different stages /here-in the aspect of age/: infantry, childhood, adolescence, adulthood etc. Each stage has its own peculiarities and various moments. We experience and learn lots of things during those stages. We obtain new characteristics, we set new goals and achieve new things, we get hurt, broken and share happy moments and all of that is a part of being human and a part of growing up physically and mentally. As I am 15 I guess it would be interesting for you to get acquainted with my point of view about teenagers and adolescence.

Basically, the stage between ages 13 to 19 is called adolescence, in more familiar words-people aged from 13 to 19 are called teenagers. Why do they call us teenagers? ThirTEEN, fourTEEn, fifTEEN… Simply TEENAGER because the number of our age ends in TEEN. Origin: before 1000; Middle English tene, Old English tēona, -teen combining form meaning “ten more than”. 

            During the teenage years our organisms go through various changes which include hormonal, physical, mental and other kinds of changes. This “time” is called puberty. So simply it’s like a phase when we turn from a child into an adult. The latter happens when for example our bodies release hormones. During the adolescence our bodies grow faster than at any other time in our lives, except for when we were babies. E.g.: during the puberty our body shapes change /e.g. girls get curvy shapes/ and we can be very uncomfortable with that. And as a result of these changes we experience different things, we get to “feel” various feelings.

And with the help of the “puberty stage” I now can talk about all the hard-messy-emotional and other times through which teenagers walk. So as I’ve already said we change and consequently we experience various things, sometimes we get uncomfortable or really sensitive. Our emotions sometimes rule our decisions, sometimes we do really stupid things and so on. But it doesn’t mean all teens are mainly like that: it depends on the person. Friends and families have a huge influence on us. And not only they: TV, internet…

Here you go, some quotes that state my words-In the time it takes you to understand a 14-year-old, he turns 15.  ~Robert Brault.

When the boy is growing he has a wolf in his belly.  ~German Proverb

Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giving a fish a bath.  ~Arnold H. Glasow.

Not each teenager can cope with all of these: some commit suicide, some take the wrong path and become addicted to bad things and so on but some enjoy their teenage years and grow into a mature adult. It’s a really hard and complicated stage of life during which teenagers conceive some ideas, choose between things, develop word outlook… But along with these changes and complicated phase it’s a really cool stage when we just hang with our friends, get crazy and make some memories!


Teenagers are a specific part of society or humankind. They’re divided into 2 main groups /for me/.

The people of one group are mainly very bright, happy, smiling, it is easy to cope with them and understand them. Sure, they have some difficulties and sometimes they get messy, too, but they don’t choose sinking in that ocean and try to make the best of everything!

The people of the other group are mainly messy, sad, enclosed, it’s hard to understand and help them, they make quick decisions and are ruled by their emotions. These people are strongly effected by their environment, internet, friends… And I think they try to impress people.

The basic thing that should be said about adolescence is that it’s a phase for the person to get self-asserted. And this desire /which is normal/ drives them to different /positive or negative/ deeds.

And anyway, being a teenager for me is a very interesting and an adventure-filled state. I get to learn new things, discover whole new worlds for me, set some goals and dreams and try to achieve them… Personally, I don’t understand the teenagers that torture themselves for example just for being in love: I consider it stupid. I mean that we’ll have a huge time for that so just let the things develop in their natural speed. Some teens make their lives hard, complicated and thus they don’t enjoy it. But everyday I choose to smile and try to make the best of everything. I’m not saying that I never get sad and it’s never hard for me or I never get messy or lazy. I just take the things I need out of them and move on! And consequently I enjoy every single day of my teenage life! You should do the same)))


Emma Kirskossyan

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